Vedic Meditation Benefits

In today’s ever faster moving world, more demands are begin placed on each of us than ever before. As a result stress, anxiety and depression are some of the biggest global health burdens of the 21st Century. These are not only facts backed up by the World Health Organisation but also individually felt realities.

One of the biggest benefits of meditation lies in it’s unique ability to reduce stress and anxiety in life and thereby increase how long you live. By providing profound rest that is up to five times deeper than sleep meditation helps you dissolve those deep-seated stresses.

And this is just the biggest benefit amongst many others: Lower blood pressure, faster reaction times, greater sense of well-being and happiness, just to name a few.

Since the 1970s the amount of scientific research on the meditation has grown exponentially and along with the positive and often profound results, also the interest of the media in the topic grew decade by decade.

We encourage our students to dive into the scientific research on meditation if they are keen. But it is also important to keep in mind that despite all the promising findings, meditation is not a miracle cure. The best way to know with certainty is to conduct your own research. Keep a critical mind, but also take the leap and try it out for yourself. When it comes to meditation, personal experience is more important than knowledge.

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